Simplify Business Intelligence
Complete visibility of overall security
Supports Azure SQL Reporting
Supports audit and compliance protocols
Unique colour coded overview offers immediate visual alerts to potential security issues
Security audit exported to Excel
Manage item, role and system roles
Reduce man hours and improve efficiency
View users in groups
Identify security differences
Single Subscription Management, create new subscription using current subscription as a template
Fast track business delivery objectives
Increase productivity
Incredible speed enables faster delivery of business intelligence
Unique search and replace function
Migrate 1000’s subscriptions in minutes
Rerun failed subscriptions
Reschedule subscriptions with time offset
Brick level backup and restore
Subscription de-duplication
Fix missing data sources
Bulk change data sources
Custom data sources supported
Dynamic data sources supported
Convert custom data sources to shared data sources.
Brick level backup of all items
Supports Azure SQL Reporting
Export local disk
Save export to .zip file
SSRS Export and Backup uses the Reporting Services SOAP API’s to query the Report Server enabling you to manage SSRS over the Internet.
You do not require access to the reporting services database, just login as you do with Report Manager

Why buy one at a time when you can have them all
Command line processor
Over 80 commands
Batch files supported
Automate deployments via batch file
Batch file can be scheduled.
SSRS Software
SQL Server Software
Identify indexes on Columns and tables
Health check to find table, index and statistics issues
- Missing indexes
- Duplicate indexes
- Foreign keys without indexes
- Non unique clustered indexes
- Large tables not partitioned
- Unbalanced partitioned tables
- DTA indexes and statistics clean up
- Out of date statistics
- Partition alignment
- Incremental statistics
Visualize partitioned tables and indexes.
See how indexes are used.
New Software Releases
The only solution to give a complete migration: leaving you with a working migrated SSRS system.
Supports every version of SSRS native and integrated.
Please see SSRS migrate features.
SSRS Subscription Manager Version 5.16 Released
- Supports SSRS 2000-2017, Power BI.
- Single subscription creation. Can use existing subscription as a template, thereby only needing to change items that are different rather than entering all parameters and delivery details.
- New feature filtering and grouping on time